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Showcase your work for free, promote your art and your business


Put your art within reach of your local community and connect with all those passing by.


Show them your work, engage them and let them know about you.

  • Publicise your work for free

  • Make your work accessible

  • Increase your visibility

Register for an Artist’s Window

Current availability of Artist’s Windows

Use your free Artist’s Window space to promote your art, your name, your business, your work, your website, your shows and your social media accounts. 


For free.

The Artist’s Window initiative addresses common concerns and problems encountered by artists trying to engage with the art market and display their work.

The Artists window removes the financial obstacles to displaying artwork, creating opportunities for artists who might otherwise not be able to access display and exhibition space by providing space and publicity for free.

We know exhibition and display space is unaffordable and increasingly hard to find. Gallery arrangements can be inflexible and their commission prohibitively expensive. We understand affordable exhibition options such as open studios and private views can be frustratingly poorly attended. It’s hard to engage and reach a wide enough or new enough audience. Studios can be out of the way or inconvenient to get to.


Displaying your art solely on digital platforms means it can get lost in the on-line ether where it can fail to engage your local community or reach your target market.

We make your work accessible and highly visible to a wide audience by connecting you to passers-by, your local community, local businesses, local gallery owners and other local organisations. For free.

Get your own Artist's Window here today

  • Where are your spaces?
    Please refer to “Our locations” webpage.
  • Which Artist’s Windows are available now?
    We show which locations have live availability on “Our Locations” webpage.
  • What kinds of spaces do you have?
    We offer the sole use of a shop window space or spaces within an empty retail property. Our windows may be within a shopping centre or on high street.
  • How do I find out about available Artist’s Windows?
    When a new window space becomes available it will be listed in “Our locations” on our webpage. If you have registered your interest in The Artist’s Window and opted in to receive notifications then we will let you know when we have new ones available.
  • How do I get a space?
    We invite artists to register their interest with us via our webpage. We will then contact you and request you complete our application form.
  • What will my window look like?
    Where possible we will try to provide photographs of the Artist’s Window we offer you and if you wish we should be able to arrange for you to view it in advance of your installation.
  • How do you choose who is allocated an Artist’s Window?
    If we have more than one applicant for a particular window, we will prioritise artists based on our selection criteria. More details can be found below.
  • Does The Artist’s Window contact artists if a space comes up?
    Yes, if you’ve registered your interest on our website and opted in for notifications then you’ll be the amongst the first to hear of a new window space becoming available. Please check your inbox including your spam and junk folders or save our details into your contacts to ensure you receive all our communications. If you have not ‘opted in’ then you can follow availability via “Our Locations” webpage.
  • Do you have a waiting list?
    Yes and no. We do not operate a waiting list per se but we may use the date you registered with us to help select our artist, meaning those who have been registered the longest but have not yet been offered an opportunity can be given priority. Register your interest via our homepage.
  • Can I book a space for an event or exhibition?
    We currently do not offer this but we hope to expand soon to encompass the ability for artists to host private views and other events from our empty spaces. Please request via email to
  • Can I have my Artist’s Window for longer than 6 weeks?
    Unfortunately, not. Please note our licences grant occupation for a fixed term of 6 weeks only. Whilst it is rare to require a premature end to our standard 6 week period, if we are given notice to vacate by the landlord we will work hard to offer you an alternative premises.
  • What can I do in my window space?
    At present we only offer display opportunities. You place your work and promotional materials into the window space. Your window is then a fixed display which remains secure but mostly inaccessible for the entire period until it is time to remove your work. We understand there may be times when you will need urgent access, for example if you have sold a piece that is being displayed. Our terms allow for 3 scheduled access slots of 1hr each within the 6 week period where displays can be changed or rearranged. A minimum of 24hrs notice is required and access can be arranged in advance, via the property’s manager. It may be possible to have additional access beyond those 3 visits in some circumstances – we aim to be as flexible as possible.
  • I have seen an empty property, can The Artist’s Window get it for me?
    We are unable to gain access to any specifically named vacant property because we may not have an existing relationship with the Landlord. However, we are always interested in broadening our geographical offering and if you submit the properties details to us at We will monitor these requests and the locations in which artists are looking for opportunities. We may be able communicate with the property owners or their agents. Our platform does seek to engage with landlords as well as artists and to connect the two, so we do actively work to seek out new suitable properties and new landlord relationships.
  • I’ve signed up on your website, why haven’t I heard anything?
    We send mailings about spaces when they become available. If you haven’t heard anything from us it is because we currently do not have any newly available space. Sometimes our mailings can end up in spam or junk folders so it is always worth checking these. New spaces become available all the time, if you have not registered your interest with The Artist’s Window please register and opt in for notifications via our webpage.

We accept applications from all artists that meet our requirements.


We have a variety of Artist’s Windows available and can host a variety of art forms. Browse current availability here. If you don’t see anything suitable now, our properties change regularly so stay connected and register for notifications here


Applications can be time consuming but not ours! We have kept our requirements to the minimum.


We operate a non-competitive and transparent selection process. The success of your application will be based on meeting following criteria:


1. First in line
If you meet our artists’ requirements we will prioritise you based on the date you registered with us – simple as that. Once you have showcased your work with us and had a successful Artist’s Window experience we will continue to promote you and your work via our Meet our Artists page.


2. Additional Artist’s Window opportunities
You can apply for as many Artist’s window opportunities as you like. After your first successful display we will return you to our queueing system for the locations you have selected until your turn comes around again! 

3. Additional criteria

At times we may apply additional criteria to help us prioritise artists for a specific window location. We may take the following into account:

When demand for a location is particularly high we may, on occasion, prioritise artists who live within the local community or local area of a particular window. This does not mean you cannot access windows further away to explore new markets, there are plenty of opportunities and we will offer you alternative locations. Keep your eye on current availability here.

We are keen to support artists at the start of their careers who find it hardest of all to gain a foothold within the art market. We may, on occasion, prioritise artists at the start of their careers. This does not mean that established artists cannot benefit from The Artists Window, there are enough opportunities for everyone and we will offer you alternative options in your chosen location or at one of our other sites.


When we are unable to select on the basis explained above we will choose the artist most able to meet all requirements and may seek additional references.

Selection of our Artists

Reimagining and enhancing empty retail space

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